I could’ve written this, but I didn’t

I’ve been struggling to write a blog post that will accurately convey how I feel about the new word up there in my blog title… or, rather, the fact that it’s been added to my blog title. I honestly don’t know where to start on that topic, or where to end for that matter.

While I was trying to gather and organize my thoughts, and failing miserably, I started looking for other similar blog posts. How do other new-ish Christians do this?? I stumbled upon a post that I pretty much adore. I can relate to the author so, so, so very much right now. So while I’m still struggling with what I want to say about my own walk, and how I can possibly say it (without writing a novel), I’m just going to share this… I hope someone enjoys it as much as I do.

The Challenges of Being a New Christian by Joanna Saul

“Where do I fit in? I’m not Christian enough for my Christian friends, and too Christian for all the people who have ever meant anything to me.”

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